Starter Company Kit


University Spin-out Investment Terms


University Spin-out Investment Terms

The USIT Guide was created to facilitate faster negotiations, to identify a landing zone for what a positive deal should look like and to demonstrate that there is a shared commitment across both the TTO and VC communities to work together to build businesses that can change the world.

  • Introduction
  • Real world examples of UK University-spinout investment deals
  • The USIT Guide's Recommended Terms
  • Glossary
Modern HR Playbook

Team & Talent

Modern HR Playbook

HR is a craft, it is a joy. When the stars align, it is an opportunity to impact the business and someone's life, in a really key way.

  • HR stack
  • People analytics
  • Organisational structure
  • Recruitment
  • Values and honesty
  • Evaluation and reward
  • Learning and development
  • Employee experience
  • Leadership
The emerging leaders playbook


The emerging leaders playbook

Today, leaders must be skilled collaborators, adept at bring- ing diverse individuals together and facilitating teamwork. The hierarchical structures that once dominated organizational culture are becoming less prevalent. Emerging leaders are placing greater value on being industry influencers, and having organizational impact and are less focused on climbing the corporate ladder or achieving the next title or promotion.

  • Leading self
  • Leading others
  • Preparing your organisation
  • Assessing your organisation's culture worksheets
  • Guiding questions for one-on-one check-ins
  • Generating cultural norms
  • Google's leadership competencies
How to protect your Crown Jewels, in plain English.


How to protect your Crown Jewels, in plain English.

How to think about the security risks that are important for your business, and how they can be addressed. The hope is that you understand where you need help; understand the urgency; and prioritise appropriately

  • Quick Start Guide
  • Resources
The Ultimate OKRs playbook


The Ultimate OKRs playbook

The Road to Agile Business. Best Practices For Adopting Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).

  • Step-by-step guide adopting OKRs
  • Adopting OKRs checklist
  • OKRs examples
  • Common mistakes
The Complete Content Marketing Playbook


The Complete Content Marketing Playbook

Content marketing is an area of B2B marketing which is growing in importance year on year. And with good reason - it’s become an integral weapon in the business arsenal, with its capacity to delight audiences, convert customers and deliver strong ROI.

  • How to build buyer personas for content marketing
  • How to set goals for your content
  • How to plan your content
  • How to approach thought leaders and influencers
  • How to create the perfect B2B content marketing blog
  • How to optimise your content for SEO
  • How to activate your content on social media
  • How to measure the success of content marketing
  • How to report on B2B content marketing
  • How to create the ultimate big rock for content marketing
Guide to Public Relations


Guide to Public Relations

This ebook is designed to help your company develop and implement an inbound public relations strategy that drives awareness, creates marketplace differentiation, builds lasting relationships with journalists, and delivers results, so you’re front- page news — not yesterday’s news.

  • A new age of public relations
  • Be your own storyteller
  • Inbound marketing that journalists love
  • Building relationships with media
  • Additional resources
How to build a brand


How to build a brand

Making a brand stand out and appear trustworthy to the right audience is, needless to say, no piece of cake. Ultimately, the key is making “branding” into a quantifiable metric for which you can show concrete results. This ebook will show you how to do that in an inbound context and create effective, recognizable brands in the digital age.

Creating and managing a sales playbook


Creating and managing a sales playbook

What to Include, How to Manage, & Why a PlayBook is Crucial to Growing Sales

The beginner’s guide to email marketing


The beginner’s guide to email marketing

This guide will take you step-by-step through how to get started with email marketing.

Your guide to starting a business

Accounting and Finance

Your guide to starting a business

This guide is intended as general information only for accounting perspective. Always check with a professional for advice.

  • Step by step starting your business
  • Your guide to invoicing
  • Your guide to hiring
  • Your quick guide to VAT in the UK
  • Your guide to inventory
Managing Board Meetings


Managing Board Meetings

RA Capital’s SABER (“Strategic Alignment: Board and Executive Resource”) is a detailed compendium of best practices drawn from the experiences of seasoned board members. In-depth examples (complete with data!) demonstrate how to take the principles outlined in this guide from your laptop to the boardroom.

  • To save and your teams prep time
  • To save your board prep time
  • To focus the boards's attention and time on decisions of strategic importance
BCVA Model documents for early-stage investments


BCVA Model documents for early-stage investments

The BVCA has revised and re-launched its standardised documents for early stage venture capital investment after a review involving the BVCA’s Legal & Accounting and Venture Capital Committees, and a working group comprised of experts from the investor and legal community.

  • BVCA Model Articles of Association
  • BVCA Model Subscription & Shareholders' Agreement
  • Practical Law Drafting Notes for the Subscription & Shareholders' Agreement
  • BVCA Model Term Sheet for a Series A Round
  • BVCA Model Subscription & Shareholders' Agreement (Opinion)
  • BVCA Technical Briefing - Accounting Treatment of Preferred Shares
Pitch Canvas


Pitch Canvas

An entrepreneurial brainstorming tool that helps you structure and visualise your whole pitch on one page. David Beckett is the creator of The Pitch Canvas©, and has trained over 1100 Startups and 16,000 professionals. You can find very useful pitch resources at his website:

  • Pitch Canvas template
  • How to use the Pitch Canvas


Negotiation Skills

Negotiation strategies and negotiation techniques to help you become a better negotiator by Harvard Law School.

Inclusion & Diversity

Team & Talent

Inclusion & Diversity

At OxSciences, we are committed to building the world’s most prosperous, sustainable, diverse, inclusive and mission-driven spin-outs.

  • How to set up a mentorship programme
  • How to get people comfortable talking about I&D