The library includes a large curation of company building information, templates and best practice examples for each stage of your company’s journey.
Blogs & Newsletters
Carefully curated list of some of the most experienced voices in the field on topics ranging from investment to operations, as well as deep science for the more technical.
A selection of recommended titles for any budding entrepreneur, these will provide clear guidance for all kinds of situations.
Video Library
Past events, webinars, videos, available to watch again in your own time.
Not everyone likes to read *all* of the time, and with that in mind here you will find a selection of the best podcasts to listen to.
Starter Company Kit
Compiled starter kits to begin to help you on your way.
Resources to ensure our female founders have the confidence, support and tools to succeed.
Find the right non-dilutive and dilutive funding for your business.
List of accelerators and programmes that have significant power and value.
Mental Health
The founder journey is not just about learning new company building skills but also about caring for your own wellness.